Privacy Policy
In the terms of commitment at Outdoor Gear Nerd, our privacy policy is very important to us. We are fully aware that only when the privacy policy is implemented, users can cooperate and appreciate the information from this website. All information, as well as user data, will be protected in the best way. In fact, customer privacy is a leading factor in the sustainable development of our website.
In addition, these privacy policies ensure the safety of users’ information and data. By accepting the above privacy policies, you agree to abide by our terms of accessing this website.
Log Files
Similar to other websites, browser type, and exit/introduction pages are included on our website. The log files follow the privacy policy as clearly mentioned above. Some jobs such as tracking about user’s movement, analyzing trends are used according to the privacy policy. Therefore, you do not have to worry about your personal information on our website.
Web beacons and cookies
Visitor cookies are used to store information on Outdoor Gear Nerd. This complies with the policies and terms of our website. For each page that each user visits, specific information will be stored on those pages. It is known that depending on the type of browser accessed along with some information from the user that cookies will customize the content of the page.
Amazon Associates Program
The Amazon Services LLC Associates Program is one of Outdoor Gear Nerd’s collaborations. This is an approved affiliate advertising program that provides websites to earn advertising fees via connecting products with sites like,, amazon. as well as websites associated with Amazon.
Children Under 13
Children under 13 are not encouraged to participate in our programs. At Outdoor Gear Nerd, we always try to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Therefore, there will not be any programs designed for children under 13.
At this website, personal information and important data are not collected for children under 13. Hence, parents or guardians will receive our connection via email if their children want to access this website. At Outdoor Gear Nerd, we will delete data for children under 13 in such cases without any specific notice.
DoubleClick DART Cookie
- With our terms, google ads are used on the Outdoor Gear Nerd by using cookies.
- Google uses cookies from the websites that they visit to provide the best experience.
- You may refuse the cookie policy by visiting the URL:
Changes in policy
The privacy policy may be changed with limited notice, even without any notice from us. With the above terms, we are not responsible for notifying you of this change.
Do not forget to contact us for receiving the latest changes to the privacy policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our policies, please connect us to get a response as soon as possible.